Sunday, November 23, 2014

No Arab Palestine-How About 8 City States Instead?

Nadene Goldfoot                                                                    

12 Tribes of Israel: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher. 
                Judea and Samaria were the heart of the Jewish people.  

Jerusalem was never the capital of any foreign ruler.  It's not on the table for discussion.

The tribe of Judah, one of the 12 from the 12 sons of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, was in the southern part of Israel.  In 722 BCE the Assyrians attacked and carried away 10 of the 12 tribes, leaving Judah.  Again in 597 and 586 BCE the Babylonians, who had taken over the Assyrian holdings, also did the same thing.  Judah held out along with Jerusalem which was a part of Judah.

 Samaria was simply the expanded capital of Israel which was called in Hebrew, Shomron.  It was founded in 880 BCE by King Omri on a hill bought from Shemer.  The site is about 7 miles NW of Shechem, today called Nablus, and has become populated with Arabs.  The city was made of 25 acres.  It had withstood the siege of the Syrians but fell in 721 BCE to Sargon II of Assyria who had resettled it with Cutheans.  They had intermingled with the remnants of the former population and were the ancestors of the Samaritans. The name, Samaria, is now applied to the entire northern region of the central highlands of Eretz Yisrael, what used to be called "Palestine" by the Romans who renamed it thus after the 135 CE battle with the Jewish general Bar Kokhba.

Professor Kedar of Bar Ilan University in Israel agrees with me on many points that the idea of a 2 state solution has changed and is not in the best interests for Israel.  It threatens the survival of Israel and its Jewish people everywhere.  We all know there never has been a state of Palestine.  The Arabs now in the area are the descendants of Arabs who emigrated into Palestine in the late 1800's and early 1900's to live and prosper among the Jews who also immigrated there to join their brothers who had never left.  Arabs called themselves Syrian Palestinians, telling us that many of them came from that area. (Read Joan Peter's book, From Time Immemorial.)  What was there in the 1800's were mostly Beduins riding in and out of the land.  There were probably as many Jews owning land as there were Arabs.  The difference is that this was the place of our origins, where we had come from.  Arabs came from Arabia.  Arabs sold their land to the Jews.  They were nomadic people, not settlers.  Their culture was completely different from the Jews.  Just read "The Innocents Abroad" by Mark Twain, a book studied in history classes, to find explicit descriptions of the land in the middle 1800's.

Jews have been living in Israel and Judah for 3,287 years, ever since Moses led the Israelites from the Exodus there at G-d's command  and Joshua was the leader into the land. A remnant of our  Jewish population was still there to greet the returning Jews whose ancestors had been taken away as Roman slaves or had escaped to become the Jews called the Ashkenazim, Mizrachim or Sephardim.  They had all been praying every day for the time of return to their land as G-d had directed them.  They felt like the Swallows of Capistrano, needing to return. The direction was deep in their soul.  The need was from the rejection and cruelty they found in all the countries they tried to live in for 2,000 years.

Professor Kedar suggests that the Arabs should not have Judea and Samaria as their state, as it is unworkable for the many reasons he lists.  Instead, Arabs are found basically living in 8 cities in Judea and Samaria , so could have city-states, instead, like people used to have right in Canaan, the name originally of Eretz Yisrael pre-Exodus. There are about 2,345,107 people living in Judea and Samaria.  Of that, about 500,000 are Jews.  That means there are about 1,845,107 Arabs living in basically these 8 cities of Judea-Samaria.  Gaza is a separate entity with a population of about the same number; 1.86 million.
A total is 3.71 million which is not counting east Jerusalem.

  People lived in city-states before countries evolved.  Monaco and the Vatican City are city-states.

I would add that if they were peaceful, and they would have to be by my standards or they would be dissolved, they would have the protection of Israel.  I'm throwing in also that they would have no personal army nor weapons, such as their rockets, mortars or missiles that Gaza has procured. Gaza's weapons have to go.   This would still be a burden on Israel, however, to have 8 city-states to deal with, but probably not much more than the present situation today.  This would dissolve the power that Hamas and Fatah have, however and hopefully their hold over Arabs who just want to live in peace.

The 8 would be Jenin, Nablus (mentioned above), Ramallah, Jericho, Tul-Karm, Kalkilya, the Arab part of Hebron, and the Gaza strip.  These are all where today's Arab population do live.

1. Jenin is today a Palestinian town in Samaria.  It is mentioned as Gina in the Tel el Amarna tablets.  It is probably the biblical town of En Gannim mentioned in Joshua 19:21.  In Roman times it was called Ginaea.  It had a small Jewish community in the 17th century.  Jenin was a center of Arab nationalist fanaticism in the 1930's.  The population in 1967 was 8,346.  There were 5,019 Arab refugees living in the vicinity besides them. In 2007 the population was 39,004.   .

2. Shechem/Nablus had been the territory of Ephraim and a levitical city of refuge.  Joseph is buried here, our Patriarch.  In 2000 the Arabs destroyed his tomb and artifacts inside of it.  In 1967 the population was 44,000 and has for decades been a center of fanatical Arab nationalism.  A small Jewish community formerly existed here.  It is 39 miles by driving north of Jerusalem.  It's in Judea between Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim.  Many of our Jewish history happened here. They have a population of 126,132.

3. Ramallah, formerly a Christian town, they are now a minority.  It's the Palestinian capital and is only 6 miles north of Jerusalem with 27,092 population.  The people were one of the first to take part in the 1st intifada against Israel.
4. Jericho is in the South Jordan Valley, 825 feet below sea level and is one of the oldest cities in the world and goes back to 5000 BCE.  Joshua destroyed it (Joshua 6).  The town was revived by King Ahab in 870 BCE.  Herod, the Idumean Jewish King, built a palace here for himself, but the Romans destroyed the city in 68 CE.  In 1946 the population was 3,000.  Arab refugees moved in in 1948 and in 1961 there were 61,000.  Then most ran away to Jordan during the Six Day War of 1967.  In 2007 the population was 18,346.  It is near the Jordan River in Judea. On the map above it would be shown to almost touch the river between the north and south borders of  Judea-Samaria.

5. Tul Karm  is made up of Palestinians in Judah with Netanya and Haifa on the West and Nablus and Jenin on the East.  On the map of Judea-Samaria above, this city would lie on the border on the West.  Sultan Saladin conquered the land in 1157 and the Kurds were the first to settle here.  In 2007 they had a population of 51,300 and a refugee camp next door had 10,641.

6. Kalkilya/Qalqilya also lies on the border of Judea on the east side.  In fact Israel had to build the wall around this city leaving a gap on the east side to protect Israel.  In 1945,  5,850 Arabs lived here mostly as farmers of oranges and bananas.  In 2007 the population was 41,739.

7. Hebron  is an ancient Jewish city referred to in the Bible as Kiriath Arba of Judah.  It is 18 miles south of Jerusalem.  Abraham bought land in which to bury his wife and neice, Sarah.  Here's where Arabs massacred Jews in 1929 in a town of 700.  Arab riots happened in 1936, just as Hitler was active against Jews.  In 1967 the population was 38,310.  Jews after 1967 established the Kiryat Arba quarter east of the city with 3,700 Jews in 1988.  Professor Kedar would keep the Jewish section as part of Israel.
8. Gaza is on the sea with the city only 2 miles from it.  In the 1956 war Israel had captured it from the Egyptians but gave it back in March 1957.  After the 1967 war it was again in Israel's control and the scene of frequent unrest.  In 1967 there were 352,260 living there of whom 172,520 were refugees.  It is made up of 139 square miles with 1.816 million population in 2014.  Israel had to go in this summer in Operation Defensive Edge to stop them from shelling Israel with rockets, missiles and mortars.  The missiles were hitting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.  Big changes will have to occur here in this area run by Hamas terrorists.   They have already unified with Fatah in Judea and Samaria, which immediately led to kidnappings and killings. By unifying, Fatah has accepted the charter of Hamas which is to destroy Israel.  Who in their right mind is pushing Israel to continue to deal with such a position as this?  

Professor Mordecai KEdar, Bar Ilan University, article on Paelstinian  song, When the swallows come back to Capistrano, that's the day I pray you'll come back to me.....

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